Friday, December 4, 2009

What is Contemporary Art all about?

"The greatest work in my mind is the Talmud, it's one argument superseding another - an ongoing, open ended dialogue that allows multiple points of view. For me that is what art is about."

-Andrew Renton (Contemporary Art Curator and Writer)

1 comment:

  1. Good quote, Danielle. If anyone hasn't had the opportunity to learn Talmud, I can suggest a very painless and cheap method to access the Talmud online through an interactive real time WebEx driven website: The webyeshiva is the brain child of Rabbi Chaim Brovender (who teaches several of the Talmud courses) and offers courses in practically every area of Judaic studies taught by excellent instructors. These courses can be accessed anywhere in the world from the comfort of your own home or workplace. You could then have a chance to experience what Andrew Renton is writing about.
