Monday, November 16, 2009

Men are from Mars..and Gay Men are from NYC?

Dear Danielle,

I have what in this economy is an enviable dilemma. I was recently offered a job with the choice of working in one of two offices, either New York or Washington, D.C. The job is political in nature, and since DC is the political capitol, it seems the natural choice for my career. However, as a mid-20s gay man looking for love, New York has by far the superior dating scene. Where should I go, to the town that offers professional opportunities or the city that promises more romantic ones?

"Job or Romance?"

Dear "Job or Romance?"

Take the job. Only when one is fulfilled and completely satisfied with their own path in life can one meet and connect to a potential partner. You don't need a million guys -- just the right one. I know it sounds cliche, but people meet their mates when they least expect it. For all you know, you could choose to stay in New York and never find "the one." So, pursue your dreams and the right guy will come along.

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